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How to install a new style (and set it as your default)

Description: This article describes how you can install a new style and set it as your main board style.

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[url=]Knowledge Base - How to install a new style (and set it as your default)[/url]

  • First, download the style you have chosen from the styles database. Make sure it is designed for the version of phpBB you're using. Styles designed for 3.1.x may not work perfectly on 3.2.x and vice versa.
  • After you have finished downloading the style you will find that it is a compressed zip file. You will need to use a program such as winzip to extract the compressed file to your computer. Some operating systems such as Windows 10 will have a built in program that can be used to extract the zip file to your computer.
  • Once you have extracted the compressed file you should find that you have a folder which contains all the styles files. You will need to upload this folder via FTP using an FTP client such as Filezilla or smartFTP, for more information on that see: FTP
  • The folder will need to be uploaded into the styles folder of the phpBB3 board. In the directory tree of your ftp client it will be yourforumfolder/styles/. It is important to note that you should upload the folder which contains /template, /theme and style.cfg as some styles come packaged in an extra folder with the style version in the name.
  • Now you can set about installing the newly uploaded style to your board. Browse to your board, log into with an administrator account and then browse to the Admin control panel via the link at the bottom of your board or the ACP link at the top.
  • Assuming you have the relevant permissions to do so in the Admin control panel, click the CUSTOMISE tab at the top
  • In the list of links on the left click the 'Install styles' link .
  • Now you should see a list of styles you have uploaded into the styles folder which have not yet been installed. Next to the ones which are waiting installation you will see an "Install" link
  • Clicking this link will install the style.
  • Once the style has been installed, you can set it as the default style, if you wish. You will need to go to the "Styles" option under the Customise tab and click "Details" to get to the screen where you can set it as your default.
20071009 - re-written by karlsemple
20160722 - Edited by KevC for 3.1x
20170908 - Edited by JimA for 3.2.x and added screenshots