Editing posts
Moderators with privileges in the relevant forums are able to edit topics and posts, even if the forum is locked. You can usually view who the moderators are beneath the forum description on the index page. A user with moderator privileges is able to select the edit button beside each post. Beyond this point, they are able to:
- Delete posts
This option removes the post from the topic. Remember that it cannot be recovered once deleted.
- Change or remove the post icon
Decides whether or not an icon accompanies the post, and if so, which icon.
- Alter the subject and message body
Allows the moderator to alter the contents of the post.
- Alter the post options - disabling BBCode/Smilies parsing URLs etc.
Determines whether certain features are enabled in the post.
- Lock the topic or post
Allows the moderator to lock the current post, or the full topic.
- Add, alter or remove attachments
Select attachments to be removed or edited (if option is enabled and attachments are present).
- Modify poll settings
Alter the current poll settings (if option is enabled and a poll is present).
If, for any case the moderator decides that the post should not be edited, they may lock the post to prevent the user doing so. The user will be shown a notice when they attempt to edit the post in future. Should the moderator wish to state why the post was edited, they may enter a reason when editing the post.
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