The Overview displays a snapshot of information about your posting habits such as the date you joined the forum, your most active topic, and how many total posts you have submitted. Overview sub pages include Subscriptions, Bookmarks, and Drafts.
Figure 5.3. User Control Panel Overview (Index)

The UCP Overview section Subscriptions
Subscriptions are forums or individual topics that you have elected to watch for any new posts. Whenever a new post is made inside an area you have subscribed to, an e-mail will be sent you to informing you of the new addition. To create a subscription, visit the forum or topic you would like to subscribe to and click the 'Subscribe' link located at the bottom of the page.
To remove a subscription, check the box next to the subscription you would like to remove and click the 'Unsubscribe' button. Bookmarks
Bookmarks, much like subscriptions, are topics you've chosen to watch. However, there are two key differences: 1) only individual topics may be bookmarked, and 2) an e-mail will not be sent to inform you of new posts.
To create a bookmark, visit the topic you would like to watch and click the 'Bookmark Topic' link located at the bottom of the page.
To remove a bookmark, check the box next to the bookmark you would like to remove and click the 'Remove marked bookmarks' button. Drafts
Drafts are created when you click the 'Save' button on the New Post or Post Reply page. Displayed are the title of your post, the forum or topic that the draft was made in, and the date you saved it.
To continue editing a draft for future submission, click the 'View/Edit' link. If you plan to finish and post the message, click 'Load Draft'. To delete a draft, check the box next to the draft you wish to remove and click 'Delete Marked'. Notifications
Notifications alert you to events that have taken place on the board. They will appear in the Notifications menu at the top of your screen. Events include:
New Private Message has arrived
New topic was created in a subscribed forum
New post was created in a subscribed topic
A new post is awaiting moderation
A post has been reported
Your topic/post has been approved/disapproved
You have been quoted in a post
Figure 5.4. Notifications Menu

The Notifications menu
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